
A $6 million staffing agency came to us for help with their accounting.  With over 2000 transactions in their books, and no accounting maintenance for two (2) years, they had no idea how their business was doing financially.   We reviewed all their records, and did...

A multi-state $5 million auto repair company contracted us to solve a serious payroll issue impacting their taxes.   They had employees in six (6) different states and did not know what taxes were due for each state. We analyzed all their records, going state by...

A $12 million fintech company realized they had a need for a Chief Operating Officer to help strategize and execute organizational growth while developing operational efficiencies.  We became their fractional COO. We built departments within the firm, revamped their processes to be scalable and easy to...

The client, a $12 million fintech company, wanted to bring to market a new a remote key injection product. Realizing they needed dedicated, continuous product management with the resources to complete and market the product build, EH Solutions, LLC was contracted. We managed the design, execution...

A government prime contractor won a $50 million dollar design/build project for a new government building in New York.  The client wanted to ensure that their largest government contract, had an experienced government sector project manager to help support it. We lead the design and construction...